Instant Research Dhokla

Yes my year 2010 ends with some real & weird surprise. With new things & some left over dreams to catch up before year ends…One of them is Instant Dhokla and its was a hit at first shot..
Yes I tried on a new dish after trying some basics… This is an instant & you can hog on without waiting long…

Starting on the dish the ingredients needed are:
8 Spoons of Ground Floor
Water 1 glass approx
Sesame Seeds
Roasted Ground nuts (Less than a hands full)
Red Chilli Powder
Finally chopped Onion
Finally Chopped Coriander
Salt for taste

At one hand mix 8 spoons of ground floor in normal water & keep stirring till it get mixed well to a paste.

Put some oil in a pan & after it gets heated add a hand full of sesame seeds. Once the sesame seeds start to crackle add chopped onions & chillies. Fry it till golden brown.

Then add the ground floor paste to the pan. Stir the whole mixture till it becomes a little thick & starts to separate from the pan. This process may take at least less than 15min & also this is the only time the dish wholly gets cooked. Once the dish gets cooked at a certain stage add the roasted ground nuts to the mixture & mix a while.

Then take a flat vessel which initially should be smeared with some oil. Slowly start to transfer the thick paste to the vessel & flatten the mixture. Keep it to cool for a while & garnish it with fresh ground coconut & the finally chopped coriander. Your dish is ready to serve.